Safe Rx Mendocino operates under the knowledge that addiction is not a moral failure, it is a disease in which there is no wrong door to treatment and relapse may be a normal part of that recovery.

In order to make a meaningful impact in fighting the opioid epidemic, we must come together and:

  • Acknowledge and spread the message that addiction is not a moral failing, it is a chronic disease that is treatable and recovery is possible

  • Advocate for wider access to treatment for all

  • Break down the stigma that stifles access to treatment and makes people feel isolated and alone

  • Share our stories‍

Never Use Alone Inc. provides a lifeline to those ingesting substances, call 1-800-484-3731 to have an operator stay on the line during substance use. This enables the user to get medical help in case they accidentally overdose.‍


Care and support services help people continue to make healthy choices. Recovery may include clinical treatment, medications, faith-based approaches, peer support, family support, self-care, and other approaches. The belief that people can overcome their substance abuse challenges is the foundation of recovery. Recovery addresses the whole person and their community and is supported by peers, friends, and family members.‍


Recovery services are important to a person’s recovery and wellness. The treatment community becomes a therapeutic agent through which a person is empowered and prepared to manage their health and health care. Recovery services are available once a person has completed their course of treatment, whether they are triggered, have relapsed or as a preventive measure to prevent relapse. Services may be face-to-face, by telephone, or by telehealth anywhere in the community. Recovery services include individual and group counseling, recovery coaching, relapse prevention, and peer-to-peer services. Case management includes linkages to educational, vocational, family supports, community-based supports, housing, transportation, and other services.


  • Mendonoma Health Alliance

  • Shatterproof
    “Shatterproof is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to ending the devastation addiction causes to families.”

  • To Write Love on Her Arms
    “To Write Love on Her Arms is a nonprofit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, self-injury, and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire, and invest directly into treatment and recovery.”

  • Faces and Voices of Recovery
    “Faces & Voices of Recovery is dedicated to organizing and mobilizing the over 23 million Americans in recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs, our families, friends and allies into recovery community organizations and networks, to promote the right and resources to recover through advocacy, education and demonstrating the power and proof of long-term recovery.”

  • Gearing Up
    “We create a safe, supportive environment through group bike rides where women, whose lives have been impacted by multiple challenges, can enhance confidence and life skills, strengthen physical fitness, and build emotional health.”

  • Legal Action Center
    “The Legal Action Center is the only non-profit law and policy organization in the United States whose sole mission is to fight discrimination against people with histories of addiction, HIV/AIDS, or criminal records, and to advocate for sound public policies in these areas.”

Adapted from Ventura County Behavioral Health /