Child-resistant doesn’t mean child-proof. Secure your prescription and over-the-counter medications, including medical cannabis, out-of-reach from young children as well as teens. Child-resistant packaging helps but is no guarantee of safety.

  • Properly dispose of expired and unused medications

  • Use special care with medications that look like candy

  • Call your local Police Department for safe, confidential drop-off bins‍


Most teenagers who abuse prescription drugs are given them for free by a friend or relative.

Do you have medication?


  • Lock up medicine in a cabinet, drawer, or medication lock bag

  • Store medications in their original containers – the label contains important information about the medicine and how to take it

  • Dispose of all unused or unwanted medications properly


  • Leave medication in places easily accessible to kids, pets, family, or the public

  • Share your prescription medications

  • Flush or throw away unused or unwanted medications

Don't make it easy. Lock up your medications.

  • Keep track of pill quantities

  • Properly dispose of unused medications

  • Block access to online pharmacies and drug sources

  • Participate in county prescription drug take-back days

  • Learn the facts on Rx drug abuse

  • Spread awareness about the risks of Rx drug abuse

How are prescription drugs abused?

  • Taking medication that has been prescribed for somebody else

  • Taking a drug in a way other than prescribed

  • Taking a medication to get high

How can you keep your home safe?

  • Start with creating a routine for keeping your family medications secure and safe from children

  • Talk to your children about drug use. Below is a helpful guide to start these conversations.

  • Parent-Youth Talk Kit


Medication Lock Bags help keep kids safe and keep medication out of the wrong hands.

We are currently giving out free lock bags all over the county:

  • Through the Ukiah Drug Free Communities (DFC) Grant at the Arbor in Ukiah

  • At many fairs and community events in the county.

  • Ask your MD (we are providing them at no cost to any doctor’s office that asks for them)

  • Call us at 707-472-2332 or email us at


DETERRA drug deactivation system will deactivate your medications and make them safe and normal for trash disposal.

We are currently giving out free Deterra pouches all over the county:

Adapted from Ventura County Behavioral Health /