2021 DATA
Highest Rate of Fatal Overdoses in the State*
Overdose Deaths
Overdose Deaths Attributed to Fentanyl
I am more than my addiction
Naloxone is a safe antidote to reverse and opioid overdose. It neutralizes the opioids, reverses the possible fatal side effects, and helps someone breathe again.
Overdose Rescue
Learn about opioids and how to administer naloxone to stop an overdose
Naloxone & Overdose FAQ
Learn about Naloxone, the signs of overdose and how to take action.
How to get Naloxone
There are several ways to access Naloxone. Having Naloxone readily available can be very helpful in a crisis.
Naloxone Saves Lives Campaign
Overdose prevention educational campaign.
There are a range of treatment services countywide, both medication- assisted treatment (MAT) and abstinence-based treatment for all ages.
About Treatment
Learn about treatment services for substance use problems.
Pathways to Recovery
Recovery addresses the whole person and their community and is supported by peers, friends, and family members.
For Parents
Learn what you can do as a parent to support your child. Find resources and more.
Preventing Suicide
Get help now if you or someone you care about is in crisis.
The rate of fatal prescription opioid overdoses in California has quadrupled since 2018.
Safe Medication Disposal
Safely dispose of unused, unwanted, or expired Rx medication via secure, confidential disposal bins.
Medication Safety at Home
Keep children safe. Secure your prescription and over-the-counter medications.
Safe Prescriber education addresses the opioid epidemic by training prescribers to respond before opioids are prescribed.
Learn About the CURES prescription monitoring database and how to register.
Prescriber Education
Learn about prescription opioid use in Mendocino County and find resources for prescribers.
Patient Education
Resources to help patients navigate conversations with their doctors about their prescription and use.
We invite you to join us in connecting and enhancing resources to prevent and reduce opioid and psychostimulant abuse. Together, we can raise awareness in our community, advance progressive treatment initiatives, and save lives.
What is the Overdose Crisis?
Learn about the opioid crisis, what you can do to stay informed and how to help the community.
Our Coalition
Safe RX Mendocino focuses on methods of prevention and harm reduction in the fight against opioid and psychostimulant abuse.